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Sunday, January 6, 2013

Piano's and Organs - A note from AG Charles Deiner

Dear Rotarians and Friends of Rotary

 I include GTR clubs Middelburg, Cycad, Witbank and Our Canadian Rotary Clubs especially Grand Bend RC, Peter Twynstra and all the dedicated helpers that load the containers in their own free time and Xtrata Coal who sponsored the last two containers that contained these pianos and organs.

Recognition by the Education Department is appreciated as we are now finding cooperation with all stake holders.

The feedback from the music departments is so positive. Our biggest challenge is selecting the most deserving school. Our criteria is that they must have choirs already competing in coral competitions, music teachers and a Principal that is supportive. Mr P Mahlangu who is referred to in the letter indicated that there are at least 35 schools that qualify.

To our Canadian partners I thank you for the unselfish support you have given us. Think of the sounds of music flowing over rural fields and be assured that even if you never get here Canada will be remembered in some special way. Who knows what new musician may come from here.

Rotary and all



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