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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Canadian & American Friendship Exchange 2019

In November 2019 our club got to host a team of Rotarians from Canadian & American District 6330. 

Our goal for the week was simple: Give our guests a picture of what our club does in our community, sharing our different cultures and what it means to be a member of our club. 

Each day we climbed onto the bus, with our trusty driver/guide Charles and two of our club members, Taylor & Mart, who acted as additional guides. From nursery school and education projects on the outskirts of town to handing out layettes donated from our Canadian guests at the Middelburg Provincial Hospital Maternity Unit and every project in between. Our guests,some of which have been instrumental in making our Container Project a success, were able to see what our Club does in our community and also the unique challenges that we face.  

Although Rotary is a service organisation, we also aim to have fun. 
From the Christmas braai - show and tell; visiting an animal rehabilitation center;  a visit to the local pub and enjoying some traditional food to Taylor running through the mall with the Canadian flag collecting our guests from a rushed last minute shopping spree. Overall the week was a resounding success, both informative and fun.

On a more personal note:
For one week our members opened up their homes to our fellow Rotarians from abroad, giving us an opportunity to learn more about each other and the differences in our cultures. For these members it was a truly unforgettable experience that they will cherish for many years to come. This was a very real reminder of just how big our organisation is and how many opportunities it offers. 


Christmass Braai / Show and Tell

Club Flag Handover

Our first meeting and meal with our visitors #bunnychow

The wheels on the bus go round and round...

Sing along at a local nursery school

Visiting a local orphanage and handing over toys

Layette handover at the Middelburg Provincial Hospital Maternity Unit

Official Friendship Exchange Pin

First Annual Rotary Club of Middelburg Charity Golf Challenge

On the 10th of October 2019 the Rotary Club of Middelburg hosted it's first annual Charity Golf Challenge.
This was a new and exciting challenge for our club. A way to raise funds while having fun and interacting with our community members in a new way. After months of planning and organizing we were faced with the one thing we could not plan for, terrible weather.
On one of the coldest and windiest days of the year fun was had by all the golfers and sponsors who braced the cold to support our club and raise funds for various education projects as well as Polio awareness.
Our club handed out "purple polio drops" and "Purple 4 Polio" ribbons at our green, using a fun platform to raise Polio awareness.

We would like to thank all the participants and sponsors for making our First Annual RCM Charity Golf Challenge a success. We hope to see you all again next year....
Supported by our Round Table Middelburg 126

Prize Giving

Our golf green Champions Raising Polio Awareness and handing our "Purple Polio Drops" and ribbons.