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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Global Grant - Vocational Training Teams (English 2nd Language Learning)

When the Future Vision Plan was introduced, I and many Rotarians were very concerned about the loss of the Group study Exchange Program and the challenges that would be faced by especially smaller Rotary Clubs to meet the requirements of the Foundation in respect of Global Grants.
During the past year, I have twice come to the realisation that the Global Grant program is accessible to smaller clubs, and that the Vocational Training team component thereof is a worthy substitute for the GSE prgramme.
The Middelburg Rotary Club and District 9400 together with District 6400 in Canada and the USA have initiated a global grant application, which involves the exchange of expertise in the field of English 2nd language teaching and learning in schools. The project has the full support of the Mpumalanga and Ontario Departments of Education and will result in a symposium for Educators in Middelburg at the end of July 2012, which will be presented by the Vocational Training teams from both Districts.
The team from D9400 has already returned from D6400 where the preparations for the programme in D9400 were done. I attach hereto a note from Team Leader Elaine Galanakis (Middelburg Rotarian) about their visit to D6400.
From Left to Right: Peter Motaung, Helena Coetzee, Talitha Sihlangu, Marelize Loubser, Team Leader Elaine Galanakis and Renier Loubser (Vocational Training Team from Middelburg and District 9400)
Dear Rotary Middelburg (District 9400)
I cannot even begin to describe what the Rotary 9400 VTT trip to Canada and the USA meant to the team and me on both a professional and personal level!   Thank you!   
The schools we visited blew our minds!  The teachers there are faced with similar challenges – the teaching of English to learners that do not have English as a home language.  Yet they have found ways and methods to incorporate the home language in their teaching and they work around the problems faced in the most practical of ways possible!  The emphasis is on the lessons being child centred with the teachers promoting and scaffolding.  This leads to the learners working in an independent, structured way, leading to them to reason and organise their learning content, often through paired or group work.  What a fun way this to learn!!  
The overseas Vocational Training Team joining us on the 14 July for three weeks, are all experts in the field of education with a wealth of knowledge. They have facilitated and supported us in setting up seminars and a symposium to help the teachers in our community to get their teeth into the CAPS policy - (prescribed to all schools throughout South Africa).   The aim is to present and pass on ideas to meet the requirements of the policy in a very practical way, keeping in mind that we want to motivate the educators and keep the project sustainable.  We have designed our programmes in such a way as to target all the school phases.   
There were and are so many wonderful people that need to be thanked for making this incredible experience and the opportunity to serve our community possible, especially the following: 

*      Our most generous Rotary hosts in both Canada and the USA

*      The ‘Canadian’ Vocational Training Team – Mary-Jean Gallagher, Dr David Lynn, Sue Chanko, Karen Albu and Jeanne Knopf-Deroche 

*      Michael Duben ( District Governor of Rotary district 6400)  and Anton Meerkotter (D G of Rotary 9400) for the vision they had to improve education in the Middelburg community

*      Armando Sardanopoli (District 6400) and AndrĂ© Brandmuller (District 9400) for the arrangements and the problem-solving that accompanied these

*      Albert Myburgh ( District President Middelburg 9400) and his wife Augusta for the ‘behind the scenes’ arrangements

*      Mr JJ Mabena and Mr Adonis for sanctioning the trip

*      And last but not least, my amazing team: Renier and Marlize Loubster, Helena Coetzee, Thlitha Sihlanu and Peter Motaung for their invaluable contribution towards the project.

I believe that that the Four-Way Test of International Rotary has most certainly been covered and that it ‘will be beneficial to all concerned’.  Bless you!

Elaine Galanakis (VTT Team Leader District 9400)
Working Together we will make a difference!!!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Greatest Train Race 2012 - Launched

The Rotary Greatest Train Race which is to take place on 18 August 2012 was launched on 20 June 2012 at a function which was well attended. It was  wonderful to hear the support of this multimillion rand charity project - the largest fun race in South Africa- from the sponsors Xstrata Coal and Anglo American.
Beneficiaries of the 2012 race include The Middelburg Care Village, Blanket projects, Wheelchairs,Shelter (Disaster Boxes) in Middelburg and Emelahleni. Some funds will also flow to The Loskop project for underprivileged Childre., The SAP Reservists, The Rotary Holiday Resort (SWEMBE) at Badplaas, and Mpumalanga Athletics (for Development)
Race Convenor Jan Botha
DG Anton Meerkotter

Race Convenor Jan Botha, DG Anton Meerkotter, Mr Moeketsi Mofokeng(Anglo Coal) and Mr Nico Dhooge (Xstrata Coal) before signing the sponsorship agreement

We look forward to a great race!!!!!!

A Grand Finale for DG Anton and DG Ann Annetjie

Past RI Director Tony Serrano bringing in the SA Flag during the flag ceremony

Steve Hamilton - "I want my Life Back !!!!!"

Rotarian Ramesh Ferris from Canada (a Polio Survicor) explaining the importance of the End Polio campaign

The District conference of Rotary District 9400 which was held at Champagne Sports Resort from the 8th to the 10th of July was a resounding success, and a grand finale to a year during which our own cllub Member Anton Meerkotter presided over the District as District Governor. The conference had a wonderful balance of information, emotion and motivation. It started of on Wednesday when the Rotary Anns delivered more than 2000 educational packs to needy schools in the area

. The conference commenced with a wonderful video message from Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, which set the tone of the rest of the conference. Highlights included (but were not limited to) excellent presentations from Kanthan Pillay (CEO of YFM), Steve Hamilton ( on Drug and substance abuse) and Ramesh Ferris on life as a polio survivor, and why it is important that Rotary continues the fight agains polio.

Who is this Justin Bieber lookalike?

The evening functions were well attended, and created wonderful fellowship.

 Well done to PDG Shirley Downie and her team on a successful event.

We wish DGE Martin and Christina well for the next Rotary Year