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Monday, January 13, 2014

Ask me why .........!

We were privileged to spend time with DG Anneas Balt during the past week. He and his wife Valery attended a joint meeting of the Nkangala Rotary Clubs (Middelburg, Middelburg Cycad and Witbank) on Thursday, 9 January 2014. During his discussions with the Presidents of the clubs, DG Anneas challenged us to become more visible and attract more quality members to Rotary in the area. He was extremely impressed with the enthusiasm he experienced from Rotarians during his visit, and challenged all Rotarians to get people to ask them "Why am I a Rotarian?", as a way to generate interest in our organisation and clubs.

On Friday morning DG Anneas, Valery, DGR Martin Forsythe Thompson and his wife Christina spent time at the Middelburg Care Village which is a joint project of the Nkangala (Greatest Train Race ) Roatary clubs as well as the warehouse where the educational contents of 4 containers from Canada are ready for distribution to needy schools in our district.

Thank you for spending the time with us Anneas... We hope you enjoyed it!!!
Rotarian Colleen Deiner with Christina Forsyth Thompson, Dg Anneas and PDG Martin at the Middelburg Care Village

Colleen Deiner and PDG Anton Meerkotter with the DG entourage at the "TAXI"

Christina looking at some of the books received from Canada

PDG Anton and DG Anneas deep in discussion

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Miiddelburg Rotary Club welcomes DG Anneas and DG Ann Valery Balt

Pres Andre Brandmuller and the Middelburg Rotary Club welcome DG Anneas and Ann Valery to our area. We hope you enjoy your visit to the home of the Rotary Greatest Train Race and many other successful Rotary Projects

Monday, January 6, 2014

The Middelburg Rotary Club received container no 27 arising from their partnership with a number of Rotary Clubs in Canada which delivered thousands of books and equipment, desks and chairs for schools in the needy areas of D9400. PDG Anton was leading the way with his son Merlin in thye process of off loading the 12m container. We were amazed at what came out of the container and cannot wait to start distributing to schools.

Amazing Race Year-end Function

A HUGE THANKS to all the racers who participated in our 2013 Year-End Function: The Amazing Rotary Race.  It was pretty exciting! 
The 2013 Amazing Rotary Race took place on Saturday, November 30th. The event, inspired by “The Amazing Race” reality television show, featured puzzling clues, physical challenges, jaunts on public areas, wacky water slides and a mad dash for the finish line. This is the first time Middelburg Rotary Club has held this Amazing Race and we plan to make it a yearly event. 
The high-energy kickoff event started at 9:00am at the Dros Parking Lot, where each team received an envelope filled with their first top-secret clue. Challenges included interaction with the public and mind-bending trivia leading to key area landmarks. Prizes were awarded for top finishers and shortest route.
Check out the highlights from race day below…